EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Sit Down With "Chef Bret" From FOX's Hell’s Kitchen For Upcoming Projects, His Kitchen Nightmare & Much More...

Standish913.com has been blessed to do an exclusive interview with...

STANDISH: What was a change you liked from season 14 compared to season 18 in Hell's Kitchen?

BRET: The fact they did some return contestants and some new ones, mixed it up, oh and they went from long to short sleeve coats loved that lol.

STANDISH: What's your favorite risotto?

BRET: Me personally my shrimp/lobster risotto w/ a tomato, saffron brodo or a good pesto risotto w/ some crispy pancetta.

STANDISH: Worst injury in the kitchen?

BRET: I’d have to say a mandolin or a deli slicer gotta b the worst they will fuck you up me personally a burn on my leg from an open oven, comes w/ the territory.

STANDISH: How many times a month does the walk-in cooler hear your screams? 

BRET: I’d say once a week would be a good average.

STANDISH: Build me the perfect team in your eyes for a dinner service!

BRET: Like from my HK alumni? Hmm myself, Milly, Megan was bad ass, Michelle and give me T.

STANDISH: When did you feel the most accomplished in Hell's Kitchen?

BRET: By far when they put my risotto on the menu and of course a close second was getting that black jacket.

STANDISH: Tell me about a recurring kitchen nightmare that you have...

BRET: The noise from a printer, that shit will haunt a chef.

STANDISH: We saw you go through many ups and downs in Hell's Kitchen, what's something that you will carry with you throughout the rest of your cooking career?

BRET: The knowledge chef Ramsay gave us, certain techniques and just the all around experience of being on national television.

STANDISH: What is it like cooking right in front of celebrity diners?

BRET: For me it’s amazing I love it, I have a long list of celebrity clients so for me it’s regular and I fuckin love it.

STANDISH: How did you feel when you received your black jacket?

BRET: Like a god, after leaving for an injury my first time on, I knew I needed to get that black jacket, it was like making the all star team in a sport, like a vip top dog.

STANDISH: Nobody wants to leave a competition due to a medical emergency... Can you tell us a little about what happened in season 14?

BRET: I was in a horrible car accident few months before I went to film, shoulder surgery, shoulda had my back done, but shit happens.

STANDISH: Where did you grow up? Tell me a favorite memory you have....

BRET: Born and raised in Miami Florida, one of my favorite memories was family dinners at 6:30 like clock work!

STANDISH: Who are three rappers you would take out for dinner & why?

BRET: Hmmm, well a few I have already cooked for so.. Jadakiss, Method Man and maybe (not a rapper but in a rap group) Quest Love of The Roots, why because they’re all cool af and love and know good food, smoke a joint and eat some good food

STANDISH: What's Chef Bret's DoorDash/Skip The Dishes order?

BRET: Hmm, I mean so many depending on mood but I’ll say a pollo fricase (a Cuban stewed chicken dish).

STANDISH: If you could switch careers and still be just as successful as you are today with cooking, Would you? What field would you go to?

BRET: For sure I’d be an accountant or an actor,I always say that, great w #s and I think I’d be good at it. 

STANDISH: What are your social links?


Thanks so much for your time!!!

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