has been blessed to do an exclusive interview with...
Thirty years ago, Dee Wallace, a gifted young actress from the wilds of Kansas, dropped into Hollywood with hopeful expectations. Two years later she landed the role of a lifetime and walked onto a soundstage knowing that playing Mary, the smart, funny young mother of Michael, Elliott and Gertie, was going to change her life.
Born into a loving but impoverished family, Deanna Bowers was the
bright, beautiful peacemaker of an alcoholic father and a mother who put aside
her own dreams in order to support her husband and maintain a happy, stable
home. Like so many others who will relate to her childhood, Dee grew up
under the push-pull pressure of wanting to perform and make her father proud - and happy enough not to drink - and at the same time remaining quiet and
sweet so as not to give family anger a reason to surface. With welcome clarity
and honesty and without a trace of self-pity, she writes about these experiences
as she was growing up, including her father's tragic suicide, and then shows
how, until examined and reconciled, they kept cropping up again and again in
her personal and professional life. Even readers whose early lives were less
dramatic and ultimately less tragic will be guided to recognize these same self-
destructive patterns, and cheered to know their own bright lights, once
uncovered and freed from fear, still burn. Indeed, even with the unprecedented critical and popular success of “E.T.” and stellar reviews of her performance in it, the next years did not bring the expected acclaim and financial security. Rather, they brought her the
opportunity to leave fear behind as she somehow lived through the loss of her
soul-mate, the knowledge of perfect love as she welcomed her long-awaited
and only child, and the time to look at the life she had created and the ability to
re-connect with her inner light and begin to create something new: herself. It
wasn't the red carpet life she had expected, but it was so much better. Wallace has never stopped working in film, television and stage, and has more than 130 films
and scores of television roles and series to her credit. She is currently among a
handful of in-demand actresses for guest starring roles in TV drama. Her
irresistible presence on speaking forums and two top internet radio shows have
made her a sought-after inspirational speaker, spiritual teacher and healer.
Dee is a true tour de force, working with every kind of co-star from Cujo
to Lassie, as well as countless directors, producers and some of Hollywood's
biggest names, including Peter Jackson, Wes Craven, Joe Dante, Stephen King
and Blake Edwards. Ms. Wallace became an icon in the role that would define
motherhood for a generation, as Mary in Stephen Speilberg's ET: The
Extraterrestrial. Her 200+ films range from some of the scariest to some of the
funniest ever made, including Cujo, The Howling, 10, The Frighteners and Critters.
She has starred in four television series and more than 400 commercials and is one of Hollywood's most sought-after TV guest stars including appearances in Grey's Anatomy; Cold Case; Without a Trace; Ghost Whisperer; My Name is Earl; Criminal Minds, Saving Grace, Law and Order, and The Office. A beloved acting coach, she is also an internationally known healer, with two global radio shows and a series of healing seminars. Her insight into the joy of “conscious creation” was one of the reasons she was led to share her knowing with a larger audience through Bright Light. In her recently released third book, Bright Light (O-Books), she takes readers along on Wallace's emotional, spiritual and professional journey but even as we cheer for her triumphs and grieve for her unbearable losses, she doesn't allow us to sit on the sidelines as merely an audience to her life. Rather she uses her journey as a metaphor for always expanding the lessons she experienced in her own life to a larger wisdom valuable for all of us. Her gifted writing is inclusive, reaching out to connect with readers as with unflinching honesty she takes responsibility for the manifestation opain and disappointments in her life, as well as the creation of love and happiness for it's joys and successes. And she beckons her readers, who almost imperceptibly recognize their own journey, to learn from the spiritual lessons, which are the focus of each chapter. Now, with more than 200 credits to her acting career, On January, 24th, Dee Wallace recent made her débuted on NBC's GRIMM as Monroe's mother as well as joining the cast of ABC’s The Whispers (reuniting with her ET director, Spielberg) and in 2014 Dee proudly announces the release of two new e-books: "Wake Up Now! A Book of Universal Truths" and "Getting Stuff: Everything is Possible." In 2013, Dee and her daughter, Gabrielle Stone ("Speak No Evil," "Stray," etc.) have followed in the footsteps of other famous mother and daughter teams by appearing together in the recent release of "Zombie Killers: Elephant's Graveyard" with Billy Zane. In 2014 Dee completed two features, “Flowers in December” and “False Memory Syndrome.” Dee has most recently completed production on Amazon's "Just Add Magic," and appeared in "Red Christmas" while working on five productions simultaneously including “His Sunrise My Sunset,” “Every Other Holiday,” “3 from Hell,” “BITS” and “After Emma” with her her award winning director/actress daughter Gabrielle Stone.
Let's get into some exclusive questions...
STANDISH: You played "Lynne" in 1977's "The Hills Have Eyes", did you know the movie would have such an impact today?
DEE: Absolutely not! It was my first "lead" role and it was a horror film! I just felt lucky to have landed it! I think most professionals do their best and try to be truthful.Most of us, honestly, don't ponder "how big it's going to be."

STANDISH: You played "Mary" in 1982's E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, tell us how you landed that role & how long did it take to shoot?
DEE: It's a true Hollywood story. I had auditioned for Used Cars and, fortunately, Stephen saved me for E.T.. So when it came along, I was just offered the role. If I remember correctly, the shoot was approximately two and a half months.
STANDISH: You played "Cynthia" in Rob Zombies "Halloween", how'd you land that role and what's it like being apart of such a great franchise?
DEE: I auditioned! And I have to say, I adore a person, a director and a friend. He's so creative, and open to everything! Of course it's not a's a Rob-make!
STANDISH: You played "Marie" in "Jeepers Creepers: Reborn", tell us how that felt and also how you landed that role?
DEE: Again, they called and offered it to me. I am a scream queen, you know!:) My name lends cache to horror or so I'm told. Fun part!
STANDISH: I saw you were going to be in the new "Stream" franchise, can you tell us more?
DEE: Loved working with all these talented people. And Michael Levy is a doll. People are gonna love it!
STANDISH: We're both born & raised in Kansas City, Kansas, with that being said, how's it feel knowing you made it in your own way?
DEE: Powerful and joyful. Everyone I knew laughed at me. "No one knows you and you don't know anyone!" I just replied," Thanks for sharing, and I'm going anyway." The day I landed I auditioned for Hal Prince and got down to the last 5 girls. Pretty good first day in the big apple! Seven years later I was starring in E.T..
STANDISH: If you could play one specific role today, what would it be?
DEE: A nun who is honestly and truthfully questioning her faith.
STANDISH: Tell us a little about your overall mission, Dee -
DEE: To be Love. To teach Love. To remind the world we are better when we live in Love.
STANDISH: How does it feel to be such an inspiration in the Horror community?
DEE: I am proud to be a scream queen! I love the genre. It's challenging for an actor.
STANDISH: What can we look forward to in the future from you?
DEE: I have many film projects coming out. And my latest book, BORN, which is a formula for creation/manifestation, is available. I am starting my next book about all the horror stories behind my horror films!
STANDISH: Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?
DEE: Creating. Working, Staying healthy. I'm gonna live full out till I drop!
STANDISH: Who are some of your mentors?
DEE: My mother. Amazing actress and woman. And Charles Conrad. Changed my life as an actor with his amazing acting technique.
STANDISH: During COVID, we all faced struggles, what was one of your main struggles?
DEE: I really didn't struggle. I got up everyday and asked, "What can I create today?" I worked through the entire pandemic.
STANDISH: Where can fans find your work?
DEE: Website:
Instagram: @thedeewallace
Twitter: @Dee_Wallace
Facebook: Dee Wallace
STANDISH: Anything you'd like to include?
DEE: Yes. If you want to change your life, Love Yourself More!!!
STANDISH: What are your social links?
Thanks so much for your time!
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