Hello, Standish here...
So as you know, Standish913.com became one of the hottest Interview platforms this year. We've been putting in A TON of work & locking in many influential individuals in multiple industries. Last week, we figured we'd reach out to Crunchy Black of "Three 6 Mafia", because if you know, Standish has had many different Three 6 Mafia ties over the last 15+ years now. He even managed several members who over the years, went there own path. For example, Chrome Korleone & Koopsta Knicca just to name a couple. When we reached out to Crunchy Black, this was his response... (Mind you, we reached out to do an Interview ON US with major exposure guaranteed - NOT PAID.)

Then immediately BLOCKED US... Burn bridges often, Crunchy?
It's pretty hilarious to us that he is still the very unprofessional, cocky for no reason, guy that he was 15 years ago. Crunchy Black will sit down with Mr. FBI himself, "DJ VLAD" with "VLADTV", but declined to do an interview on our platform.
Crunchy, we'll remember this buddy, see you at the top. And as far as VLAD goes to ask all these police affiliated questions, is something for y'all to REALLY THINK ABOUT BEFORE SNITCHING ON YOURSELF FOR "CLOUT". That's all for this one, folks!