INTERVIEW - Entrepreneur "Lance Robinson" Has Invested Into The Clothing World... has been blessed to do an interview with...

Here's our official interview...

What is your name?


Where are you from? Your age?

From Queens New York, Currently Reside Atlanta. I'm 33 years old.

What do you do?

I Invest Into Assets... Create Businesses To Create Financial Freedom. I Am Currently Growing My Clothing Brand Called "GABAMI".

Tell us a little about your company/brand -

GABAMI Is A Clothing Brand Built Around A Certain Lifestyle/Mindset. It Means Get A Bag And Multiply It, Which Means In Simple Terms,Work For Your Money With Intentions Of Later Making Your Money Work For You.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In 5 Years I See Myself Having Multiple Multi-Million Dollar Companies.

Who are some of your mentors?

Unfortunately I Never Had Mentors... No One Guided Me, I Learned My Ways Through Trial And Error. I Have A Few People Who Inspired Me, But No Mentors.

What are you currently working on?

As I Mentioned Previously I'm Growing My Clothing Brand "GABAMI", So I'm Currently Working On Building My Brand Awareness And Overall Presence As A Luxury+StreetWear Brand.

During COVID, we all faced struggles, what was one of your main struggles?

Having A Dying Mother All While Being Out Of Work Due To COVID And Still Having To Stay Afloat.

Where can we find your clothing?

Please Go Over To And Check Us Out.

Anything you'd like to include?

I'm A New Entrepreneur Breaking Out, So If You Are An Investor Or Fellow Entrepreneur Who Can Assist In My Brand Growth Please Reach Out:

What are your social links?








Thanks so much for your time!

If you'd like an interview w/ Standish, please email: