has been blessed to do an exclusive interview with...

Let's get into some exclusive questions...
STANDISH: You're executive producer of upcoming movie "Cinderella's Curse", can you tell us more
SCOTT: Yes, we made the movie last year and it is coming up for its release in a few months. It is a nod toward CARRIE.
STANDISH: How did you prepare for your role as "Richard" in the movie "Chicken"?
SCOTT: It was actually a theatre play before a movie. So, I was lucky enough to be able to work on the role for some time during the theatre run in London. When I then reprised the role for film I worked a lot more on the voice, the movements etc. I watched a lot of documentaries with children on the spectrum and tried to find the most accurate way to perform the role.
STANDISH: Out of the movies you have acted in which was the most exciting role?
SCOTT: For sure Chicken! I was spoilt with that being my first lead role. I then went on to think everything would be as challenging and fun.. With acting I like to really ACT. So, CHICKEN was a truly special role.
STANDISH: You've produced so many movies in such a short amount of time. How did you manage your time so well?
SCOTT: I do not have a social life! I work extremely hard, and no matter what time of the day or night - I will always reply. I am addicted to it. I absolutely love what I do and my determination to be successful drives this. I set myself goals and I ensure I meet them.. or somewhere close!

STANDISH: Which of your upcoming projects are you most nervous for critics to review?
SCOTT: I don't really care about critics to be totally honest. They don't make me nervous what so ever. I think with films such as Winnie they were always going to be spoken in a negative light, people want to hate! These films are not made for critics so I have no interest in seeing what they have to say.
STANDISH: Being able to play as "Ian McKellen", how did it feel knowing you landed that role?
SCOTT: It was incredibly exciting. What a legend!! I was over the moon to get the role, and to play someone as amazing as Ian!
STANDISH: What are a few things you do during your busy schedule to relax?
SCOTT: Hmm.. Watch movies! I love going to the cinema, going to the gym, shopping.. Generic fun stuff.
STANDISH: Which film location was the most difficult to navigate, why?
SCOTT: They all have their challenges because you are working on a shoe string budget (mostly) and so you are constantly dealing with the hosts moaning and complaining! Shooting in the woods is always hard because the British weather is unpredictable, and finding places for general things can be hard such as; toilet, someone to keep dry, keep warm etc..

STANDISH: When acting do you prefer the full length or short films best, why?
SCOTT: Feature for sure! I like to go on a full journey with a character showing a full beginning, middle and end. You do not get to always do that on short films due to the time you get to play the role.
STANDISH: What would be your dream role to land?
SCOTT: Something similar to American Pyscho. I want to play someone who is super unhinged and layered - difficult roles excite me.
STANDISH: Are there any specific people you would enjoy the chance to work with or alongside?
SCOTT: Not really. Famous people don't really do much for me. I am mostly interested in working with nice people. Personality is everything to me. I want to work with people that don't bring drama to set!
STANDISH: Do you have any advice for people who aspire to work in the film industry?
SCOTT: Work hard. Don't be lazy. Don't go into this job expecting everything to come on a plate and be easy. This industry is tough and to make it you need to go for it. Don't wait for the phone to ring - just go for it!
STANDISH: "Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey" went viral. How do you feel about it becoming so big?
SCOTT: It was crazy! It was what I had been leading toward - I wanted this to happen. I had been making a load of clickbait movies in hope one would pop. I was excited but also wish I had the budget to have made the movie what we truly wanted. However - it now has opened the doors to great opportunities and that was the plan all along.

STANDISH: What inspired you to do what you do today? What keeps pushing you further?
SCOTT: My love for horror film is truly what keeps me going. There is not a specific person or project, it is the determination to succeed and do well.
STANDISH: What was your experience like on the set of Doctor Jekyll?
SCOTT: It was a fun shoot! I got to work with Joe Stephenson again and I absolutely love working with him.
STANDISH: What are your social links?
scottchambers_ / insta
scottjeffreyproducer / insta
scott_jchambers / x
Thanks so much for your time!
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