has been blessed to do an exclusive interview with...

Lauren Budd is a British model and an award-winning actress. She has featured in magazines such as GQ, Marie Claire, Maxim, House Of Solo, Men’s Health and Playboy Paris to name a few. Since she toured a sold-out show which included runs at Soho Theatre and Camden Peoples Theatre, she has gone on to work on several feature films. This includes the highly anticipated horror remake of the fairy tale classic, in which she plays an evil stepsister in Cinderella’s Curse that is due for cinema release early next year. Lauren is currently working on a crime, drama feature due for Amazon Prime release in 2024 which will be her second film on the streaming plaform. She is also involved in developing a fantasy, adventure series with JKO Films and leading the Call It Out Campaign, a public service project aiming to empower victims of Public Sexual Harassment.
Let's get into some exclusive questions...
STANDISH: Your iMDb shows post production credits for "Cinderella's Curse", can you tell us more about this film and your role as the "Evil Step Sister"?
LAUREN: Cinderellas Curse is a wonderfully sadistic spin on the traditional Cinderella tale we all grew up with. Audiences can expect some truly horrific scenes, both spine chilling and gruesome in equal measure. Viewers will need a strong stomach for this one! Cinderella’s Evil Stepsister Ingrid was great fun to play, she has major girl boss energy with plenty of spice and sass. She’s completely over-sensitive alongside with being perfectly evil. She has a clear idea of what she wants, and she will stop at nothing to get it, however that’s not to say she doesn’t come across her fair share of trials and tribulations. Whilst the film predominantly follows Cinderella, Ingrid certainly has her own story to tell.
STANDISH: With landing the "Cinderella's Curse" role, would you say that it's opened new doors for you?
LAUREN: YES! I would say so. The film caught a lot of mattention in the mainstream media before we had even filmed anything, so the hype has raised profiles for everyone involved, especially in the horror industry. I hope it’ll open even more doors once it has been released and audiences enjoy the film and the performances in it.
STANDISH: You were awarded the Best Supporting Actress at the Five Continents Intl Film Awards, can you tell us more about this award?
LAUREN: The Five Continents Intl Film Awards is a wonderful festival that shows live screenings of the winning films from all over the world. This means you are competing on an international level and the filmmakers’ projects are seen by a vast audience. However, when At The End Of The Road won we were just coming out of a national lockdown so the live screening only happened online, much like everything else in that year for the arts. Although this was a shame I will never forget the feeling of
winning that award, not only because of the sense of achievement but the energy it gave me after the lull of lockdown. It was a very welcomed boost to the system!
STANDISH: Out of all of your work, what's been your favourite?
LAUREN: Each project is so different from the last one, there is the creative side of things but also navigating the jigsaw of a production that happens around that. When I think of a piece of work,
I find it hard to just think of the finished product. For me it’s all about how we made it, the cast, the crew, the production, the locations even the catering and transport. I wouldn’t be able to begin to compare them, I’ve gained something so different from all of them, not just as a performer but on a personal level too. I must take the vanilla option and say, I am afraid I don’t have a favourite – yet!
STANDISH: Tell us a little about your overall mission, Lauren -
LAUREN: I suppose the goal posts keep changing. A little over five years ago my mission was to get into drama school, then it was to be cast in something, then it was to get an agent. It can be a little overwhelming to only focus on the end goal with all its uncertainty. I try to stay present, be proud of what I have achieved, be hella thankful for the opportunities I have and work hard for the next one. (I’ve never used the word hella before, but it felt right). I’d say my overall mission is creative freedom. Be in the position where I can make the films I want with likeminded people, telling the stories I believe in without worrying about making rent!
STANDISH: What can we look forward to in the future from you?
LAUREN: I have a brilliant thriller feature due for release Summer 2024 and I am currently in Folkstone finishing a comedy feature which should be released early next year ahead of Cannes Film Festival. In February I am working on a crime drama feature and I am currently collaborating with a production company developing a fantasy–action series. I am most looking forward to the psychological-horror that I am developing with a renowned director and sound composer. It explores themes of scrupulosity, sexual identity and expression. Outside of film I am currently leading a public service campaign called The Call It Out Campaign that aims to empower victim of Public Sexual Harassment. You can find out more about this on our Instagram @call_it_out_info - we are just starting up so we would appreciate the support.
STANDISH: Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?
LAUREN: Still working my ass off.
STANDISH: Who are some of your mentors?
LAUREN: During my journey into this industry, I have been lucky enough to pick up a handful of experienced mentors/friends that I regularly turn to or guidance. One name I would like to mention is director and music composer James Simpson who does a lot for new artists. He regularly holds meet ups and social events to help encourage networking and has always made himself available to me when I’ve needed advice, or a glass of red wine – thank you James! The most consistent and solid support I have is my partner. He has truly shown me what it is to be kind and compassionate. I am always learning from him and I can confidently say, hands down, I would not be where I am today without him.
STANDISH: During COVID, we all faced struggles, what was one of your main struggles?
LAUREN: I mentioned earlier that I graduated drama school only a few months before COVID hit. I was working on a show at the Vaults Festival, in the middle of the run we were told the whole place was shutting down. All that momentum you get after graduation dissolved into nothing, it was utter shit. However, at least we got to graduate, students in earlier year groups had to do a lot of their course online, how can you do physical theatre online? I felt so awful for them. The midst of lockdown was difficult, but there was a strong sense of a much greater sadness and tragedy happening that it was hard to feel too sorry for myself. It's the hangover of COVID that's got my back up. The cuts in the funding to the arts,
theatres and shows closing never to be opened again, the Government suggesting people in the creative industry should get a job in cyber.. The industry is in a fragile state but hopefully we can work towards rebuilding something new.
STANDISH: If you could choose one role to play, what would it be?
LAUREN: Carey Mulligan as Cassandra in A Promising Young Woman – the plot, the characters, the wardrobe, the message, YES.
Also Velma Kelly - Chicago
Lisbeth Salander –
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
Rachel Watson – The Girl On The Train Alieen Wuornos – Monster Ruth Ginsburg – On The Basis Of Sex Villanelle – Killing Eve
STANDISH: Where can fans find your work?
LAUREN: I am pretty good at posting on Instagram, I’ll usually give a little hint when I am on set for something and then post about it properly when I am allowed to! IMDb is very on it and up to date with current and future work. My first ever feature film has been released onto Amazon Prime! I play Jess in Freddy’s Fridays, the flat mate of Detective Lila who is trying to solve the case of a string of mysterious murders that are connected to a demonic book that brings dolls to life. You can check out a full list of my work on my Spotlight page
STANDISH: Anything you'd like to include?
LAUREN: Thank you very much for asking to interview me. It’s been a pleasure to reflect and answer your questions. I hope you and your readers have found it interesting, give me a follow on Insta to stay updated with my journey!
STANDISH: What are your social links?
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